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Reverse Engineering of Parts | Legacy, Marine, Automotive, Aerospace

Reverse Engineering

Utilising The Latest In 3D Printing & Scanning

The 3D Laser Scanning was developed by Measurement Solutions and is the only metrology grade handheld scanner on the market.

Scan data quality is second to none, with an accuracy that beats all other portable devices and comes in a lightweight, easy-to-use, hand-held scanner package. It Utilises multiple laser scan lines ensures rapid surface scanning.

For those companies working with legacy products, where the original equipment manufacturer no longer supports the product or doesn’t exist, reverse engineering is an ideal service. Individual components can be fully recreated or full assemblies can be made from worn, damaged or aged products.

3D Scanning an object is infinitely easier and more accurate than the use of traditional measurement methods such as calipers, something clients in high risk industries such as aerospace, automotive military and medical areas place huge importance on.

Our experienced engineers are specialists in reverse engineering and 3D laser scanning, with many years of experience in the design and production of components in the aerospace, automotive and marine industries, something specialist laser scanning companies usually will not. This allows MGS to bring this experience into play when considering tolerancing, mating parts, forging and casting requirements such as draft angles etc.

MGS are trusted by large OE customers to reverse engineer complex components such as engine blocks and cylinder heads, where original CAD models do not exist due to the age of the product and to then use this for casting validation and re-manufacture for civil and military applications.

MGS can also offer a full service for reverse engineering including proudction of forgings or even fully Lloyds approved castings through our sister company Cerdic Foundries.